Chapter 5 WAN Setup
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
3G Status This field displays:
• NoDevice when no 3G card is inserted,
• Disabled when the 3G WAN is not activated,
• Up when the 3G WAN connection is up,
• Down when the 3G connection is down,
• NoResponse when there is no response from the inserted 3G
• NeedPIN if the PIN code you entered in the PIN field is not the
right one for the 3G card you inserted,
• NeedPUK if you enter the PIN (Personal Identification Number)
code incorrectly for three times and the SIM card is blocked by
your ISP, or
• DamagedSIM when the SIM card is damaged or not inserted.
If a link displays in this field, click the link to view more status
information or enter the correct PIN or PUK (Personal Unblocking Key)
User Name Type the user name (of up to 70 ASCII printable characters) given to
you by your service provider.
Password Type the password (of up to 70 ASCII printable characters) associated
with the user name above.
PIN A PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is a key to a 3G card.
Without the PIN code, you cannot use the 3G card.
If your ISP enabled PIN code authentication, enter the 4-digit PIN
code (0000 for example) provided by your ISP. If you enter the PIN
code incorrectly, the 3G card may be blocked by your ISP and you
cannot use the account to access the Internet.
If your ISP disabled PIN code authentication, leave this field blank.
Dial string Enter the phone number (dial string) used to dial up a connection to
your service provider’s base station. Your ISP should provide the
phone number.
For example, *99# is the dial string to establish a GPRS or 3G
connection in Taiwan.
APN Enter the APN (Access Point Name) provided by your service provider.
Connections with different APNs may provide different services (such
as Internet access or MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Service)) and
charge method.
You can enter up to 31 ASCII printable characters. Spaces are
Connection Select Nailed Up if you do not want the connection to time out.
Select on Demand if you do not want the connection up all the time
and specify an idle time-out in the Max Idle Timeout field.
Max Idle Timeout This value specifies the time in minutes that elapses before the P-
2812HNU-51c automatically disconnects from the ISP.
0 means the Internet session will not timeout.
Table 30 3G Backup (continued)