Chapter 5 WAN Setup
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
5.5 The Internet Connection Screen
Use this screen to change your P-2812HNU-51c’s WAN settings. Click Network >
WAN > Internet Connection. The summary table shows you the configured
WAN services (connections) on the P-2812HNU-51c.
Peak Cell Rate Divide the DSL line rate (bps) by 424 (the size of an ATM cell) to find
the Peak Cell Rate (PCR). This is the maximum rate at which the
sender can send cells. Type the PCR here.
This field is not available when you select UBR Without PCR.
Cell Rate
The Sustain Cell Rate (SCR) sets the average cell rate (long-term) that
can be transmitted. Type the SCR, which must be less than the PCR.
Note that system default is 0 cells/sec.
This field is available only when you select Non Realtime VBR or
Realtime VBR.
Burst Size
Maximum Burst Size (MBS) refers to the maximum number of cells
that can be sent at the peak rate. Type the MBS, which is less than
This field is available only when you select Non Realtime VBR or
Realtime VBR.
Connection Mode
Select Default Mode to allow only one WAN service over a single
virtual circuit.
Select MSC Mode to allow multiple WAN services over a single virtual
circuit. Each WAN connection has its own MAC address.
Select VLAN MUX Mode to allow multiplexing of multiple protocols
over a single virtual circuit. You need to assign a VLAN ID and priority
level to traffic through each WAN connection. All WAN connections
share one MAC address.
This field is not available if you select PPPoA or IPoA as the DSL link
type. The P-2812HNU-51c uses Default Mode automatically for
PPPoA or IPoA.
Enable Quality Of
Select this option to activate QoS (Quality of Service) on this interface
to group and prioritize traffic. Traffic is grouped according to the VLAN
The QoS setting applies to all WAN connections over the same PVC.
This field is not available when you select CBR or Realtime VBR.
Back Click this button to return to the previous screen without saving any
Apply/Save Click this button to save your changes and go back to the previous
Table 19 Layer 2 Interface Configuration (continued)