Chapter 12 IPSec VPN
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
12.4 Viewing VPN Status
Click Security > IPSec VPN > Status to open the screen as shown. Use this
screen to display and manage active VPN connections.
A Security Association (SA) is the group of security settings related to a specific
VPN tunnel. This screen displays active VPN connections. Use Refresh to display
active VPN connections. This screen is read-only. The following table describes the
fields in this tab.
Figure 133 Security > IPSec VPN > Status
Select SHA1 or MD5 from the drop-down list box. MD5 (Message
Digest 5) and SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash algorithms used
to authenticate packet data. The SHA1 algorithm is generally
considered stronger than MD5, but is slower. Select MD5 for minimal
security and SHA-1 for maximum security.
Select Diffie-
Hellman Group
for Key
You must choose a key group for key exchange in SA setup. 768bit
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 1 a 768 bit random number. 1024bit
refers to Diffie-Hellman Group 2 a 1024 bit (1Kb) random number.
Other options include 1536, 2048, and 3072 bit Diffie-Hellman groups.
Key Life Time
Define the length of time before an IKE or IPSec SA automatically
renegotiates in this field. It may range from 60 to 3,000,000 seconds
(almost 35 days).
A short SA Life Time increases security by forcing the two VPN
gateways to update the encryption and authentication keys. However,
every time the VPN tunnel renegotiates, all users accessing remote
resources are temporarily disconnected.
Apply/Save Click Apply/Save to save your changes back to the P-2812HNU-51c
and return to the IPSec screen.
Table 75 Security > IPSec VPN > IPSec Setting > Manual (continued)