Chapter 7 Wireless LAN
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
7.11 Technical Reference
This section discusses wireless LANs in depth. For more information, see the
802.11 Mode Select 802.11b Only to only allow IEEE 802.11b compliant WLAN
devices to associate with the P-2812HNU-51c.
Select 802.11g Only to allow IEEE 802.11g compliant WLAN devices to
associate with the P-2812HNU-51c. IEEE 802.11b compliant WLAN
devices can associate with the P-2812HNU-51c only when they use the
short preamble type.
Select 802.11n Only to only allow IEEE 802.11n compliant WLAN
devices to associate with the P-2812HNU-51c. This can increase
transmission rates, although IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g clients will
not be able to connect to the P-2812HNU-51c.
Select 802.11b/g Mixed to allow either IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g
compliant WLAN devices to associate with the P-2812HNU-51c. The P-
2812HNU-51c adjusts the transmission rate automatically according to
the wireless standard supported by the wireless devices.
Select 802.11 b/g/n Mixed to allow both IEEE802.11b, IEEE802.11g
and IEEE802.11n compliant WLAN devices to associate with the P-
2812HNU-51c. The transmission rate of your P-2812HNU-51c might be
Enabling this feature can help prevent collisions in mixed-mode networks
(networks with both IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g traffic).
Select Auto to have the wireless devices transmit data after a RTS/CTS
handshake. This helps improve IEEE 802.11g performance.
Select Off to disable 802.11 protection. The transmission rate of your P-
2812HNU-51c might be reduced in a mixed-mode network.
This field displays Off and is not configurable when you set 802.11
Mode to 802.11b Only.
Preamble Select a preamble type from the drop-down list menu. Choices are Long
or Short. The default setting is Long. See the appendix for more
This field is not configurable and the P-2812HNU-51c uses Short when
you set 802.11 Mode to 802.11g Only, 802.11n Only or 802.11b/g/
n Mixed.
Apply Click this to save your changes back to the P-2812HNU-51c.
Reset Click this to reload the previous configuration for this screen.
Table 47 Wireless LAN > Advanced Setup