
Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
DHCP L2 Relay Interface Statistics
To display the DHCP L2 Relay Interface Statistics page, click System > Services > DHCP L2
Relay> DHCP L2 Relay Interface Statistics. A screen similar to the following displays.
The following table describes the DHCP L2 Relay Interface Statistics fields.
Field Description
Interface Shows the interface from which the DHCP message
is received.
UntrustedServerMsgsWithOpt82 Shows the number of DHCP message with option82
received from an untrusted server.
UntrustedClientMsgsWithOpt82 Shows the number of DHCP message with option82
received from an untrusted client.
TrustedServerMsgsWithoutOpt82 Shows the number of DHCP message without
option82 received from a trusted server.
TrustedClientMsgsWithoutOpt82 Shows the number of DHCP message without
option82 received from a trusted client.