Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
all configured servers. If the RADIUS request was generated by a user login attempt, all
user interfaces will be blocked until the RADIUS application returns a response.
3. From the Accounting Mode menu, select whether the RADIUS accounting mode is
enabled or disabled on the current server.
4. Use RADIUS Attribute 4 to enable or disable RADIUS attribute 4. Default value is Disable.
This is an optional field and can be seen only when RADIUS attribute 4 is enabled. It
takes IP address value in the format (xx.xx.xx.xx).
Field Description
Current Server Address The Address of the current server. This field is blank if no servers are
Number of Configured Servers The number of RADIUS servers that have been configured. This
value will be in the range of 0 and 3.
RADIUS Server Configuration
Use the RADIUS Server Configuration page to view and configure various settings for the
current RADIUS server configured on the system.
To access the RADIUS Server Configuration page, click Security Management Security>
Server Configuration link.
To configure a RADIUS server:
1. To add a RADIUS server, specify the settings the following list describes, and click ADD.
• In the Radius Server IP Address field, specify the IP address of the RADIUS server
to add.
• In the Radius Server Name field, specify the Name of the server being added.
• Use Port to specify the UDP port used by this server. The valid range is 0 - 65535.
• Secret Configured - The Secret will only be applied if this option is “yes”. If the option
is “no”, anything entered in the Secret field will have no affect and will not be retained.
• Use Secret to specify the shared secret for this server.
• Use Primary Server to set the selected server to the Primary or Secondary server.
• Use Message Authenticator to enable or disable the message authenticator attribute
for the selected server.