ProSafe M5300 Switch
DVMRP Next Hop
To display the DVMRP Next Hop page, click Routing Multicast DVMRP DVMRP Next
Field Description
Source IP The IP address used with the source mask to identify the source network for this
table entry.
Source Mask The network mask used with the source IP address.
Next Hop Interface The outgoing interface for this next hop.
Type The next hop type. 'Leaf' means that no downstream dependent neighbors exist
on the outgoing interface. Otherwise, the type is 'branch'.
To display the DVMRP Prune page, click Routing Multicast DVMRP DVMRP Prune.
Field Description
Group IP The group address which has been pruned.
Source IP The address of the source or source network which has been pruned.
Source Mask The subnet mask to be combined with the source IP address to identify the source
or source network which has been pruned.
Expiry Time The amount of time remaining before this prune should expire at the upstream
neighbor. If no prune messages have been received from downstream neighbors,
this is set to value of the default prune lifetime timer, otherwise it is set to the
smallest received value or the default timer, whichever is less.