
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Use SSL Trusted Root Certificate PEM File to specify SSL Trusted Root Certificate
File (PEM Encoded).
Use SSL Server Certificate PEM File to specify SSL Server Certificate File (PEM
Use SSL DH Weak Encryption Parameter PEM File to specify SSL Diffie-Hellman
Weak Encryption Parameter File (PEM Encoded).
Use SSL DH Strong Encryption Parameter PEM File to specify SSL Diffie-Hellman
Strong Encryption Parameter File (PEM Encoded).
The factory default is Image1.
Note: To download SSH key files, SSH must be administratively disabled
and there can be no active SSH sessions.
Note: To download SSL PEM files SSL must be administratively disabled
and there can be no active SSH sessions.
2. Use Transfer Mode to specify what protocol to use to transfer the file:
TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
SFTP - Secure File Transfer Program
SCP - Secure Copy
3. Use Server Address Type to specify either IPv4 or IPv6 to indicate the format of the
TFTP/SFTP/SCP Server Address field. The factory default is IPv4.
4. Use Server Address to enter the IP address of the server in accordance with the format
indicated by the Server Address Type. The factory default is the IPv4 address
5. Use Remote File Name to enter the name of the file you want to download from the server.
You may enter up to 32 characters. The factory default is blank.
6. Use User Name to enter the user name for remote login to SFTP/SCP server where the file
resides. This field is visible only when SFTP or SCP transfer modes are selected.
7. Use Password to enter the password for remote login to SFTP/SCP server where the file
resides. This field is visible only when SFTP or SCP transfer modes are selected.
8. The last row of the table is used to display information about the progress of the file transfer.
The screen will refresh automatically until the file transfer completes.