Configuring Quality of Service
ProSafe M5300 Switch
• Class of Service - This lists all the values for the class of service match criterion in the
range 0 to 7 from which one can be selected.
• VLAN - This is a value in the range of 0-4095.
• Ethernet Type - This lists the keywords for the Ethertype from which one can be
• Source MAC Address - This is the source MAC address specified as six, two-digit
hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
• Source MAC Mask - This is a bit mask in the same format as MAC Address indicating
which part(s) of the source MAC Address to use for matching against packet content.
• Destination MAC Address - This is the destination MAC address specified as six,
two-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
• Destination MAC Mask - This is a bit mask in the same format as MAC Address
indicating which part(s) of the destination MAC Address to use for matching against
packet content.
• Protocol Type - This lists the keywords for the layer 4 protocols from which one can
be selected. The list includes 'other' as an option for the remaining values.
• Source IP Address - This is a valid source IP address in the dotted decimal format.
• Source Mask - This is a bit mask in IP dotted decimal format indicating which part(s)
of the source IP Address to use for matching against packet content.
• Source L4 Port - This lists the keywords for the known source layer 4 ports from
which one can be selected. The list includes 'other' as an option for the unnamed
• Destination IP Address - This is a valid destination IP address in the dotted decimal
• DestinationMask - This is a bit mask in IP dotted decimal format indicating which
part(s) of the destination IP Address to use for matching against packet content.
• Destination L4 Port - This lists the keywords for the known destination layer 4 ports
from which one can be selected. The list includes 'other' as an option for the unnamed
• IP DSCP - This lists the keywords for the known DSCP values from which one can be
selected. The list includes 'other' as an option for the remaining values.
• Precedence Value -This lists the keywords for the IP Precedence value in the range 0
to 7.
• IP ToS - Configure the IP ToS field:
• ToS Bits - This is the Type of Service octet value in the range 00 to ff to compare
• ToS Mask - This indicates which ToS bits are subject to comparison against the
Service Type value.
5. Click CANCEL to cancel the configuration on the screen. Resets the data on the screen to
the latest value of the switch.
6. Click APPLY to send the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take
effect immediately.