
Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
From the SSH link, you can access the following pages:
SSH Configuration on page 377
Host Keys Management on page 378
Host Keys Download on page 379
SSH Configuration
To display the SSH Configuration page, click Security Access > SSH SSH Configuration.
To configure the SSH client settings on the switch:
1. Use SSH Admin Mode to Enable or Disable the administrative mode of SSH. The
currently configured value is shown when the web page is displayed. The default value
is Disable.
2. Use SSH Version 1 to Enable or Disable Protocol Level 1 for SSH. The currently configured
value is shown when the web page is displayed. The default value is Enable.
3. Use SSH Version 2 to Enable or Disable Protocol Level 2 for SSH. The currently configured
value is shown when the web page is displayed. The default value is Enable.
4. Use SSH Session Timeout to configure the inactivity time-out value for incoming SSH
sessions to the switch. The acceptable range for this value is (1-160) minutes.
5. Use Maximum Number of SSH Sessions to configure the maximum number of inbound
SSH sessions allowed on the switch. The currently configured value is shown when the web
page is displayed. The range of acceptable values for this field is (0-5).
6. Use Login Authentication List to select an authentication list from the pull down menu.
This list is used to authenticate users who try to login the switch.
7. Use Enable Authentication List to select an authentication list from the pull down menu.
This list is used to authenticate users who try to get “enable” level privilege.
8. Click REFRESH to refresh the web page to show the latest SSH Sessions.