
Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
1. Use Admin Mode to enable or disable Captive Portal feature. By default, the Captive
Portal feature is disabled.
2. Use Additional HTTP Port to configure an additional port for HTTP traffic (HTTP traffic uses
port 80), but you can configure an additional port for HTTP traffic. Enter a port number
between 0-65535 (excluding port 80). Enter 0 to unconfigure the Additional HTTP Port.
Default is 0.
3. Use Additional HTTP Secure Port to configure an additional port for HTTP Secure traffic
(HTTP Secure traffic uses port 443). Enter a port number between 0-65535 (excluding port
443).Enter 0 to unconfigure the Additional HTTP Secure Port. Default is 0.
4. Use Authentication Timeout to specify the number of seconds to keep the authentication
session open with the client. To access the network through a portal, the client must first
enter authentication information on an authentication Web page. When the time-out expires,
the switch disconnects any active TCP or SSL connection with the client. The valid range is
60 to 600 seconds. Default Authentication Timeout is 300 seconds.
Field Description
Operational Status Shows whether the CP feature is Enabled or Disabled. Default is
Disabled Reason If CP is disabled, this field displays the reason, which can be one of
the following:
Administrator Disabled.
IP Address Not Configured.
No IP Routing Interface.
Routing Disabled.
CP IP Address Shows the captive portal IP address.
Supported Captive Portals Shows the number of supported captive portals in the system.
Configured Captive Portals Shows the number of captive portals configured on the switch.
Active Captive Portals Shows the number of captive portal instances that are operationally
System Supported Users Shows the number of authenticated users that the system can
Local Supported Users Shows the number of entries that the Local User database supports.
Authenticated Users Shows the number of users currently authenticated to all captive portal
instances on this switch.