AppLock Error Messages 333
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
Message Explanation and/or corrective action Level
Alt pressed The Alt key has been pressed and trapped by the
HotKey processing.
Alt Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry LOG_EX
Application handle search failure The application being locked did not complete
Application handle search OK The application initialized itself successfully LOG_ERROR
Application load failure The application could not be launched by AppLock; the
application could not be found or is corrupted.
Backdoor message received The backdoor keys have been pressed. The backdoor
hotkeys provide a method for customer service to get a
user back into their system without editing the registry
or reloading the device.
Cannot find kbdhook.dll The load of the keyboard filter failed. This occurs when
the dll is missing or is corrupted. Look in the \Windows
directory for kbdhook.dll. If it exists, delete it. Also
delete AppLock.exe from the \Windows directory and
reboot the unit. Deleting AppLock.exe triggers the
AppLock system to reload.
Converted Pwd Converted password from wide to mbs. LOG_EX
Could not create event
The keyboard filter uses this event at the Administrator
Control panel. The event could not be created.
Could not hook keyboard If the keyboard cannot be controlled, AppLock cannot
process the hotkey. This failure prevents a mode switch
into user mode.
Could not start thread HotKeyMon The keyboard filter must watch for hot key changes.
The watch process could not be initiated.
Ctrl after L or X Processing the backdoor entry. LOG_EX
Ctrl pressed The Ctrl key has been pressed and trapped by the
HotKey processing.
Ctrl Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry. LOG_EX
Decrypt acquire context failure Unable to decrypt password. LOG_ERROR
Decrypt acquired context OK Decryption process ok. LOG_EX
Decrypt create hash failure Unable to decrypt password. LOG_ERROR
Decrypt created hash OK Decryption process ok. LOG_EX
Decrypt failure Unable to decrypt password. LOG_ERROR