Cisco Radio 223
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
To use WEP, create a new profile or select an exiting profile.
• WEP must be set to either Static WEP keys or Dynamic WEP keys. When one of the WEP
methods is selected, the WEP Keys button is active.
• Authentication must be set to Open
• The appropriate WEP keys must be entered:
o 40-bit WEP keys consist of 10 hexadecimal characters of 5 ASCII characters
o 128 bit WEP keys consist of 26 hexadecimal or 13 ASCII characters.
o After a WEP key is entered, it will be hidden from view if you return to the screen.
However, the “Already Set” indicates if a key has previously been entered.
Tap the WEP Keys button to enter WEP information. If a key is already entered, the Already set?
Checkbox is checked. The previously entered key value is not displayed for security.
Figure 5-35 Cisco Profile WEP Keys
Note: The instructions in this section are for LEAP without WPA. Please see WPA/LEAP later
in this chapter for instructions on using LEAP with WPA.
Create a new profile or edit an exiting profile.
• Network security must be set to LEAP.
• The following parameters are accessible when LEAP is selected. Please enter the
appropriate information.
o User Name
o User Password
o User Domain (optional)