
Cisco Radio 223
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
To use WEP, create a new profile or select an exiting profile.
WEP must be set to either Static WEP keys or Dynamic WEP keys. When one of the WEP
methods is selected, the WEP Keys button is active.
Authentication must be set to Open
The appropriate WEP keys must be entered:
o 40-bit WEP keys consist of 10 hexadecimal characters of 5 ASCII characters
o 128 bit WEP keys consist of 26 hexadecimal or 13 ASCII characters.
o After a WEP key is entered, it will be hidden from view if you return to the screen.
However, the “Already Set” indicates if a key has previously been entered.
Tap the WEP Keys button to enter WEP information. If a key is already entered, the Already set?
Checkbox is checked. The previously entered key value is not displayed for security.
Figure 5-35 Cisco Profile WEP Keys
Note: The instructions in this section are for LEAP without WPA. Please see WPA/LEAP later
in this chapter for instructions on using LEAP with WPA.
Create a new profile or edit an exiting profile.
Network security must be set to LEAP.
The following parameters are accessible when LEAP is selected. Please enter the
appropriate information.
o User Name
o User Password
o User Domain (optional)