
Control Panel Options 91
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Accessibility
Customize the way the keyboard, sound, display, mouse, automatic reset and notification sound
function. There is no change from general desktop Accessibility options. Adjust the settings and
click the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Figure 3-6 Accessibility Properties, Keyboard
Note: The StickyKeys option SHOULD NOT be used on the VX6. It does not work for the
integrated VX6 keyboard.
If the ToggleKeys option is selected, please note that Scroll Lock key does not produce a sound as
the CapsLock and NumLock keys do. This is due to a limitation in the Microsoft Windows CE
operating system.
Figure 3-7 Accessibility Properties, Sound
If the SoundSentry option is selected, please note that Scroll Lock does not produce a visual
warning as the CapsLock and NumLock keys do. This is due to a limitation in the Microsoft
Windows CE operating system.