
218 Summit Radio
VX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC
To use EAP-TLS, make sure the following profile options are used.
Enter the SSID of the Access Point assigned to this profile
Set EAP Type to EAP-TLS
Set Encryption to WPA TKIP
Set Auth Type to Open
Figure 5-28 EAP-TLS
Please review “Sign-On vs. Stored Credentials”, earlier in this chapter.
Click the Credentials button.
No entries except the User Certificate Filename and the CA Certificate Filename are
necessary for Sign-On Credentials as the user will be prompted for the User Name
and Password when connecting to the network.
For Stored Credentials, User, Password and the CA Certificate Filename must be
Enter these items as directed below.
Figure 5-29 EAP-TLS Credentials