
Cisco Radio 225
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
Configuring for WPA
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is only available on VX6’s equipped with the
updated Cisco radio driver (release 2.60 or later).
WPA requires software revision 1ED or greater. To identify the software revision,
please click on the “About” icon in the Windows CE Control Panel.
Please refer to the “LXE Security Primer” to prepare the Authentication Server and
Access Point for VX6 communication.
It is important that all dates are correct on CE computers when using any type of
certificate. Certificates are date sensitive and if the date is not correct authentication
will fail.
System Requirements
To support Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), the VX6 must be equipped as follows:
Cisco 350 radio card with driver release 2.60 (or later).
The LXE VX6 supports WPA and all authentications. The Microsoft supplicant and Cisco
supplicants are used separately or together to provide support for the different authentications.
Most of the configuration is done with the Microsoft Wireless Configuration tool WPA/LEAP
requires the Cisco supplicant and configuration tool.
Installing Radio drivers
Which version of the Cisco driver should be installed depends on what authentication protocol is
to be configured.
Cisco PEAP should not be installed if using PEAP/MSCHAP.
Cisco PEAP must be installed if using PEAP/GTC.
For all other authentications (LEAP, EAP-TLS, WPA-PSK) it does not matter if
Cisco PEAP is installed or not.
To determine if Cisco PEAP is installed or to change the installation, follow the instructions