
160 Barcode Manipulation
VX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC
Barcode Manipulation
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner
If your scanner applet has an “Advanced” tab instead of a “Barcode” tab, please see section titled
“Advanced” at the end of this chapter.
Factory Default Settings
Port 1 Disabled
Port 2 COM1
Power Port 1 while asleep Disabled
Enable Internal Scanner Sound Enabled
Send Key Messages (WEDGE) Enabled
COM Ports (COM1 – COM3
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Power on Pin 9 (+5v) Enabled (COM1) Disabled (COM3)
Enable Code ID None
Symbology Settings Enable Dimmed / Min – 1 to Max – all
AIM (ID) Enable Dimmed
Symbol (ID) Enable Dimmed
Custom Null
Control Character Disabled
Translate All Disabled
Character/Replacement NULl / Ignore(drop)
Custom Identifiers
Name Blank
ID Code Blank
ActiveSync will not work over a COM port if that COM port is assigned to Port 1 or
Port 2 in the Scanner applet as a scanner input. For example, if COM3 is being used
by the scanner, COM3 can’t be used by any other program.
After scanning a Reset All or equivalent barcode for your specific external scanner,
the next step is to select Start | Control Panel | Scanner. Click the OK button and
close the scanner control panel. This action synchronizes all scanner formats.
The scanner wedge does not configure an external scanner. Supported symbologies
must be enabled for external scanner (see the documentation provided with the
external scanner). Enabling or disabling a symbology in the scanner wedge only
affects processing of the barcode data. It does not enable or disable the external
scanner’s ability to scan the symbology.
LXE 8300 Tethered Scanners and Symbology Settings (AIM ID) – Before
manipulating data received from an 8300 series scanner, and symbology settings are
desired, the user must configure and append the Symbology ID as a prefix. See the
documentation provided with the scanner for details.
COM3 port is labeled “COM2/3”.