Barcode Manipulation 161
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
Main Tab
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | Main
Figure 4-1 Scanner Control / Main Tab
Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
When Power Port 1 while asleep is checked, whichever serial port is enabled as Port 1 will
remain powered while the device is in Suspend. This allows a tethered scanner to wake the device
by pressing the trigger on the scanner.
When Send Key Messages (WEDGE) is checked any data scan is converted to keystrokes and
sent to the active window. When this box is not checked, the application will need to use the set of
LXE Scanner APIs to retrieve the data from the scanner driver. Note that this latter method is
significantly faster than using “Wedge”. Even if Send Key Messages is enabled (“key mode”), the
data is still available using the scanner APIs (“block mode”). When using the scanner APIs, refer
to the “CE API Programming Guide” and the ClearBuf setting. When two applications are reading
the data using block mode, ClearBuf must be off so that the data is not erased when read.
Note: The user can also open the WDG: device and perform standard OS read functions to
retrieve the data without using the LXE APIs.
When Enable Internal Scanner Sound is checked, it does not affect any beeps emitted by a
Bluetooth or tethered scanner. In some cases, the scan of data by the external scanner triggers a
good scan beep from the scanner, and then the rejection of scanned barcode data by the processing
routine causes a bad scan beep from the VX6 on the same data.