
Wavelink Avalanche Enabler Configuration 139
E-EQ-VX6RG-L-ARC VX6 Reference Guide
Wavelink Avalanche Enabler Configuration
A VX6 device manufactured before October 2006 must have drivers and system files upgraded
before it can use the Avalanche Enabler functions. Please contact an LXE representative for
details on upgrading the mobile device baseline.
If the user is NOT using Wavelink Avalanche to manage their mobile device, the Enabler
should not be installed on the mobile device.
Briefly . . .
The Wavelink Avalanche Enabler installation file is loaded on the mobile device by LXE;
however, the device is not configured to launch the installation file automatically. The installation
application must be run manually the first time Avalanche is used. After the installation
application is manually run, a reboot is necessary for the Enabler to begin normal performance.
Following this reboot, the Enabler will by default be an auto-launch application. This behavior
can be modified by accessing the Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler Interface.
Enabler Install Process
Enabler Install Process
Doubletap the LXE_VXC_ENABLER.CAB file in the System folder.
Warm boot the mobile device.
Because the VX6 has two possible network adapters (the internal adapter for a cabled network
connection and the wireless network card), the Enabler uses the first network adapter it discovers.
In order to assure the Enabler uses the wireless connection, perform one of the following actions:
Select the Adapters tab in the Enabler setup (See “Enabler Configuration”, later in
this chapter) and make sure the wireless adapter is selected for Current Adapter.
To disable the internal network adapter, create a file in the \system directory named
NoEther.tag. The contents of the file are unimportant; but the file must be named
NoEhter.tag and it must be in the \system directory. (If the \system directory
contains a file named Ether.tag, you can rename this file to NoEther.tag instead of
creating a new file). After creating the file, coldboot the VX6. After the VX6
finishes booting, the internal Ethernet adapter is disabled. The restore the adapter,
delete the NoEther.tag file and coldboot and the VX6.
Enabler Uninstall Process
To remove the LXE Avalanche Enabler from a Windows CE mobile device:
Delete the Avalanche folder located in the System folder.
Warm boot the mobile device.
The Avalanche folder cannot be deleted while the Enabler is running. See Stop the Enabler
Service. If sharing errors occur while attempting to delete the Avalanche folder, warm boot the
mobile device, immediately delete the Avalanche folder, and then perform another warm boot.