Feature or Function Connected directly to
computer (local user)
Connected directly to
computer, but shared with
other users
Connected to network
Access through the software
to the product setup options
and setup for speed-dial
Available to the user of the computer that is directly connected to the product.
Available to the other users who are using the network when Microsoft Windows sharing is enabled from the computer that is
directly connected to the product. When the computer that is directly connected to the product is on a local area network (LAN),
the product can be shared with other computers on the network. Users of the shared computers can only print from their
computers to the product.
Supported configurations
This section includes information about the following topics:
■ Direct connection
■ Network connections
Direct connection
In the direct (or local) configuration, the HP LaserJet all-in-one product is connected directly to the host
computer with a USB cable. In this configuration, the product is not shared. A single user has complete
physical control over the product. Most users are familiar with using peripherals that are directly
connected to their computers. In this configuration, you have access to all of the product features.
Network connection options
The following networking options are available for the HP Color LaserJet 2820/2830/2840 all-in-one
Local connection that uses Microsoft peer-to-peer networking (Windows only)
Networking requirements
Local connection that uses Microsoft peer-to-peer networking (Windows only)
Use Microsoft Windows to share a local printer over the network. The operating system handles all of
the networking issues. The product prints in this configuration, but only the local computer can use the
faxing and scanning functionality; network faxing and scanning are not supported in this configuration.
Also, because Microsoft peer-to-peer networking is unidirectional, network users do not receive printer-
status messages when they print to the product.
NOTE HP does not support vending drivers across operating systems that have different print-
driver architectures, such as HP Traditional drivers and HP Unidrivers. To use a mix of operating
systems, you must install an alternate print driver and download the driver for the specific
operating system.
Table 2-7 Software features by connection type (continued)
50 Chapter 2 Software overview for Windows ENWW
Software overview for