4 If you have not set up your HP Color LaserJet 2820/2830/2840, click Begin Setup and follow the
setup sequence to the end. The following screen appears when setup is complete.
Figure 5-8 Congratulations! Your all-in-one setup is complete screen
5 Click Install Software.
Macintosh installation instructions for direct connections
This section provides information about the following topics:
■ Installation instructions for Mac OS 9.2.2
■ Installation instructions for Mac OS X V10.2.8 and V10.3.x
Installation instructions for Mac OS 9.2.2
Use the following instructions to install the software on a Macintosh computer running Mac OS 9.2.2.
Insert the product software CD into your CD-ROM hard drive.
1 Follow the instructions in the
Installation instructions for all Macintosh OSs — Animated Getting
Started Guidesection of this guide.
2 The software license agreement appears. Click Accept. The installation begins. During the
installation, you might be prompted again to provide a user name and password.
3 Click the HP LaserJet All-in-One icon.
4 Follow the onscreen instructions and click Install.
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Macintosh software