Clicking the Refresh button causes the HP Toolbox to pull new fax data from the HP LaserJet all-in-
one product. The following information is displayed about each fax in the log.
■ Date and time
■ Job number
■ Fax number
■ Pages
■ Result
The fax logs can be sorted by any of these columns by clicking on the column name that you want to
sort by. A triangle appears next to the column heading that designates ascending or descending order.
To change the order from ascending to descending or vice versa, click the column heading again. The
last sort column and sort order you use is saved when you exit the screen.
If the fax was sent or received at the computer (rather than at the HP LaserJet all-in-one product), each
fax entry also has a View option. Click View to see the fax in a new window. Faxes that have not yet
been viewed appear in bold type.
A maximum of 40 fax log entries are displayed. To enable the HP Toolbox to automatically check for
updates to the fax log, click Turn on automatic fax log updates and then click Apply.
Fax Viewer
For faxes that are sent from the Fax Send screen (on the Fax Settings tab of the HP Toolbox), or faxes
that are received to the computer, a View link appears for that fax entry on the Fax Send or Fax
Receive log. Click the link to view the fax.
The Fax Viewer screen allows you to see information about your fax, including a thumbnail image of
the fax, and allows you to open the fax to view it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
216 Chapter 6 The HP Toolbox ENWW
The HP Toolbox