■ The Image Zone displays or prints only the first page of a multi-page TIFF file.
■ Moving files outside Image Zone (for example, in Windows Explorer) will remove any keywords
applied to those images.
HP Instant Share
■ For some ISPs (Internet Service Providers), the autodial function does not always work with HP
Instant Share. If your system fails to autodial or if your system autodials and HP Instant Share fails
to recognize the Internet connection, try repeating the Instant Share operation after manually
connecting to the Internet through your ISP.
■ Configuring and using your camera with HP Instant Share menu items from more than one HP
Passport account will cause undesirable behavior, such as authentication failed messages when
trying to modify Instant Share menu items, or not authorized error messages when unloading and
executing Instant Share services. The best way to avoid these problems is to always sign-in under
the same HP Passport user ID whenever you use the HP Instant Share feature of your camera. If
you are already seeing problems, then delete and re-add the offending HP Instant Share items via
HP Instant Share Setup while signed-in under the same HP Passport user ID.
■ Selecting more than one copy in your printer settings will be ignored when printing from HP Instant
Share. The number you selected in your Share menu on the back of your camera will be used
■ In some situations, there are problems printing from HP Instant Share when changing from the
default printer to another printer. The results could be print errors, missing images, or images not
oriented correctly. The situation is printer dependent and happens when selecting a non-default
printer in the Print dialog box. To avoid this problem, set the printer that you want to print to as the
system default printer before you print from HP Instant Share.
■ If you forget your HP Passport user ID or password, click the If you don't have an account, click
here link on the Sign-in with HP Passport page. Then select either forgot password or forgot user
ID from the menu on the left side of the hp passport new user registration page.
■ When you connect a camera to your PC or insert a memory card into your printer’s card slot to
transfer pictures from a memory card, some versions of Windows may display a dialog box asking
you to choose which application to use to transfer your pictures. For HP Instant Share tasks to be
processed, you must choose the HP Image Transfer Software. To automatically use the HP Image
Transfer software whenever you transfer pictures to your PC from a memory card, check the Always
do the selected action checkbox near the bottom of the dialog.
■ HP Image Zone Express does not support setting up HP Instant Share destinations on your HP
digital camera or processing HP Instant Share actions while transferring images to your PC.
However, you can use the HP Instant Share tab in HP Image Zone Express to share your images
with your friends and family after your images have been transferred from your HP device.
HPPhoto Web site
■ The HPPhoto Web site currently supports English only. If you are a non-English user, you may still
use HPPhoto, but you may run into limitations. For example, HPPhoto does not accept filenames
with Japanese characters.
Engineering details