The preview document image changes to reflect alterations in these settings, as shown by the examples
in the following illustration.
Figure 3-13 Page-order preview images
■ 2 pages per sheet
■ 4 pages per sheet
■ 6 pages per sheet
■ 9 pages per sheet
■ 16 pages per sheet
Document preview image
The document preview image is a line-drawn image of a page that represents graphics and text. The
document preview image is always oriented so that the contents of the page are right-side-up. The
document preview image appears in the upper-right corner of most Printing Preferences driver tabs
(the Paper/Quality, Effects, Finishing, and Color tabs).
Switching between tabs does not change the location or appearance of the document preview image.
When you move the mouse over the document preview image, the mouse cursor changes from an arrow
to a gloved hand. You can toggle between portrait and landscape page orientation by clicking the
document preview image.
Orientation group box
The Orientation group box contains the following options:
■ Portrait option button
■ Landscape option button
■ Rotate 180 degrees check box
Portrait option button
Select this feature to print your document in Portrait orientation. This is the default setting.
Landscape option button
Select this feature to print your document in Landscape orientation.
84 Chapter 3 Windows HP unidriver features ENWW
Windows HP unidriver