System requirements
The following table describes the system requirements for the HP Toolbox.
Web browser requirements
The browser requirements presented in this section are not necessarily minimum standards; rather, they
are the minimum tested environments. Other current Web browsers, even if untested, might also provide
access to HP Toolbox screens.
Table 6-1 Browsers supported by HP Toolbox
Browser category Description Target browsers within this category
Optimal All functionality operates as designed,
and graphical appearances are correct.
Minor cosmetic differences may exist
from browser to browser, but the overall
appearance, look-and-feel, and behavior
are consistent for all browsers in this
■ Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) V5.5
or V6.0 and later
■ Netscape V6.2 or V7.0 and later
■ Opera V7.0 and later
Functional You are able to access functionality and
view web content, but major formatting
and display issues might exist. For
example, tabs may not look like tabs, and
left navigation buttons may not look or
behave properly, but you are still able to
navigate between the various tabs and
■ IE V5.0
■ Netscape V6.1
■ Opera V6.05
Not operational You are not able to gain access to some
of the functionality provided, or you are
unable to view certain portions of the web
■ IE V4.0
■ Netscape V4.75
Other requirements
The HP Toolbox runs on Windows operating systems with a minimum of 128 MB of RAM. However,
256 MB is recommended for best performance. The TCP/IP protocol must also be installed on the
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The HP Toolbox