Rosemount Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with FOUNDATION
The AI block allows the user to configure the alarm to HI-HI, HI, LO, or
LO-LO with a variety of priority levels.
When the security jumper is on, the electronics will not allow you to
modify parameters that affect flowmeter output.
Low Flow Cutoff
Adjustable over entire flow range. Below selected value, output damps
to no flow.
Humidity Limits
Operates in 0–98% ±2% relative humidity. Tested to IEC 770, Section
Overrange Capability For liquid service type, the transducer block digital output will continue
to a nominal value of 25 ft/s (7.6 m/s). After that, the status associated
with the transducer block output will go to UNCERTAIN. Above a
nominal value of 30 ft/s (9.1 m/s), the status will go to BAD.
For gas/steam service, the transducer block digital output will continue
to a nominal value of 220 ft/s (67.1 m/s) for 0.5 and 1.0 in. (15 and 25
mm) line sizes and a nominal value of 250 ft/s (76.2 m/s) for 1.5–8 in.
line sizes. After that, the status associated with the transducer block
output will go to UNCERTAIN. Above a nominal value of 300 ft/s (91.4
m/s) for all line sizes, the status will go to BAD.
Flow Calibration Meter bodies are flow calibrated and assigned a unique calibration factor
(K-factor) at the factory. The calibration factor is entered into the
electronics, enabling interchangeability of electronics and/or meter bodies
without calculations or compromise in accuracy.
The K-factor is automatically compensated when changes are made to
the pipe ID or process temperature.
Status If self-diagnostics detect a transmitter failure, the status of the
measurement will inform the control system. Status may also send the
PID output to a safe value.
Schedule Entries
Six (6).
Twelve (12).
Virtual Communications
Relationships (VCRs)
Two (2) predefined (F6, F7).
Four (4) configurable (see Table 12).
Accuracy (Includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability.)
TABLE 8-8. Block Information.
Execution Time
Resource (RB) 300 —
Transducer (TB) 400 —
Analog Input (AI) 1,000 15
Proportional/Integral/Derivative (PID) 10,000 25