2 Installation
Section 2 provides specific information pertaining to the installation of
the Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with F
OUNDATION fieldbus.
SAFETY MESSAGES Instructions and procedures in this section may require special
precautions to ensure the safety of the personnel performing the
operations. Please refer to the following safety messages before
performing any operation in this section.
Before you install a flowmeter in any application, you must consider
flowmeter sizing (the line size) and location. Choose the correct
flowmeter size for an application to increase rangeability and minimize
pressure drop and cavitation. Proper location of the flowmeter can
ensure a clean, accurate signal. Follow the installation instructions
carefully to reduce start-up delays, ease maintenance, and ensure
optimum performance.
Flowmeter Sizing Correct meter sizing is important for flowmeter performance. The
Model 8800C Flowmeter is capable of processing signals from flow
applications within the limitations described in Section 8:
Specifications. Full scale is continuously adjustable within these
To determine the correct flowmeter size for an application, process
conditions must be within the stated requirements for Reynolds
number and velocity. See Section 8: Specifications for sizing data.
Contact your local Rosemount Inc. sales representative to obtain a copy
of the Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter Sizing Program, which calculates
flowmeter sizes based on user-supplied input.
Explosions could result in death or serious injury:
• Do not remove the transmitter cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit
is live.
• Verify that the operating atmosphere of the transmitter is consistent with the
appropriate hazardous locations certifications.
• Both transmitter covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proof
Failure to follow these installation guidelines could result in death or serious injury:
• Make sure only qualified personnel perform the installation.