Transducer Block
SIMULATION_UNITS 62 This defines the units used to interpret the Simulation High and Low points. Acceptable
values are:
1 = PV Engineering Units: Values are in currently configured engineering units.
2 = PV Percent of Range: Values are a percent of PV Range.
ST_REV 1 This parameter represents the revision level of the static data associated with the function
block. The revision value will be incremented each time a static parameter value in the block
is changed.
STRATEGY 3 The strategy field can be used to identify groupings of blocks. These data are not checked or
processed by the block.
TAG_DESC 2 This parameter specifies the user description of the intended application of the block.
TRANSDUCER_DIRECTORY 9 The transducer directory specifies the number and starting indices of the transducers in the
transducer block.
TRANSDUCER_TYPE 10 The transducer type identifies the transducer that follows.
TRIGGER_LEVEL 46 This parameter is an index that represents a minimum vortex shedding cycle amplitude after
filtering. It has a value from 0 to 15, with a default value of 4. Increasing the value will raise
the trigger level, requiring a greater sensor signal but decreasing susceptibility to noise.
Decreasing the value will lower the trigger level, requiring a lower sensor signal but increasing
susceptibility to noise.
UPDATE_EVT 7 This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
WETTED_MATERIAL 37 Construction materials of those items in contact with the process:
2 = 316 SST
3 = Hastelloy C
Each material has a different coefficient of expansion.
Wetted material is used as an input to the compensated K-factor calculation.
XD_ERROR 11 XD_ERROR is a transducer block alarm subcode.