Resource Block
SAVE_CONFIG_BLOCKS 57 This parameter represents the number of EEPROM blocks that have been modified since
the last burn. This value will count down to zero when the configuration is saved.
SAVE_CONFIG_NOW 56 SAVE_CONFIG_NOW controls saving of configuration in EEPROM.
SECURITY_JUMPER 60 This parameter represents the status of security jumper/switch.
SHED_RCAS 26 SHED_RCAS represents the time duration at which to give up on computer writes to
function block RCas locations.
SHED_ROUT 27 SHED_ROUT represents the time duration at which to give up on computer writes to
function block ROut locations.
SIMULATE_STATE 61 This parameter represents the state of the simulate function.
SIMULATE_JUMPER 59 This parameter represents the status of the simulate jumper/switch.
SOFTWARE_REVISION_ALL 46 SOFTWARE_REVISION_ALL is the software revision string containing the following
fields: major revision, minor revision, build, time of build, day of week of build, month of
build, day of month of build, year of build, initials of builder.
SOFTWARE_REVISION_BUILD 45 SOFTWARE_REVISION_BUILD is the build of software that the resource block was
created with.
SOFTWARE_REVISION_MAJOR 43 SOFTWARE_REVISION_MAJOR represents a major revision of software that the
resource block was created with.
SOFTWARE_REVISION_MINOR 44 This parameter represents a minor revision of software that the resource block was
created with.
START_WITH_DEFAULTS 58 START_WITH_DEFAULTS controls what defaults are used at power-up.
STRATEGY 03 The strategy field can be used to identify grouping of blocks. These data are not checked
or processed by the block.
ST_REV 01 ST_REV is the revision level of the static data associated with the function block. The
revision value will be incremented each time a static parameter value in the block is
TAG_DESC 02 TAG_DESC is the user description of the intended application of the block.
TEST_RW 08 TEST_RW is a parameter for a host to use to test reading and writing (not used by the
device at all).
UPDATE_EVT 35 This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
WRITE_ALM 40 This alert is generated if the write lock parameter is cleared.
WRITE_LOCK 34 If set, no writes from anywhere are allowed, except to clear WRITE_LOCK. Block inputs
will continue to be updated.
WRITE_PRI 39 This parameter specifies the priority of the alarm generated by clearing the write lock.