Transducer Block
Service Type The flowmeter can be used for liquid or gas/steam applications, but it
must be configured specifically for the application. If the flowmeter is
not configured for the proper service type, readings will be inaccurate.
Select the proper Service Type for your application:
• Liquid
Reference K-Factor The Reference K-factor is factory set according to the actual K-factor
for the application. It should only be changed if you replace parts of the
flowmeter. It is located on the meter body tag.
Installation Effects Installation Effects enables you to compensate the flowmeter for
installation effects. See reference graphs located in Technical Data
Sheet (document number 00816-0100-3250) for the percent of K-factor
shift based on entrance effects of upstream disturbances. This value can
be set between +1.5% to -1.5%.
Compensated K-factor The Compensated K-factor is based on the reference K-factor as
compensated for the given process temperature, wetted materials, body
number and pipe I.D. Compensated K-factor is an informational
variable that is calculated by the electronics of your flowmeter.
Meter Body Number The Meter Body Number is a factory set configuration variable that
stores the body number of your particular flowmeter and the type of
construction. The meter body number is found to the right of the body
number on the meter body tag, which is attached to the support tube of
the meter body.
The format of this variable is a number followed by an alpha numeric
character. The number designates the body number. The alpha numeric
character designates the meter body type. There are three options for
the alpha numeric character:
1. None – Indicates welded meter construction
2. A – Indicates welded meter construction
3. B – Indicates cast construction
Process Temperature Process Temperature and Temperature Units are needed for the
electronics to compensate for thermal expansion of the flowmeter as the
process temperature differs from the reference temperature. Process
temperature is the temperature of the liquid or gas/steam in the line
during flowmeter operation.
Wetted Material Wetted Material is a factory set configuration that reflects the
construction of your flowmeter:
•316 SST
• Hastelloy-C