Rosemount Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with FOUNDATION
DEV_REV 12 DEV_REV specifies the manufacturer revision number associated with the resource—
used by an interface device to locate the DD file for the resource.
DEV_TYPE 11 DEV_TYPE specifies the manufacturer’s model number associated with the resource—
used by interface devices to locate the DD file for the resource. 8800C Flowmeter.
DOWNLOAD_MODE 62 DOWNLOAD_MODE gives access to the boot block code for over-the-wire downloads.
FEATURES 17 This parameter is used to show supported resource block options.
FEATURES_SEL 18 This parameter is used to show selected resource block options. The Model 8800C
Flowmeter supports the following options:
Unicode: Tells host to use unicode for string values
Reports: Enables alarms; must be set for alarming to work
Software Lock: Software write locking enabled but not active; WRITE_LOCK must be set
to activate.
Hardware Lock: Hardware write locking enabled but not active; WRITE_LOCK follows the
status of the security switch.
FINAL_ASSEMBLY_NUMBER 49 FINAL_ASSEMBLY_NUMBER is used for identification purposes and is associated with
the overall field device.
FREE_TIME 25 FREE_TIME is the percent of the block processing time that is free to process additional
FREE_SPACE 24 FREE_SPACE is the percent of memory available for further configuration (zero in a
preconfigured device).
GRANT_DENY 14 This parameter represents options for controlling access of host computers and local
control panels to operating, tuning, and alarm parameters of the block (not used by
HARD_TYPES 15 This parameter represents the types of hardware available as channel numbers. For the
Model 8800C Flowmeter, this parameter is limited to scalar (i.e., analog) inputs.
HARDWARE_REVISION 47 This parameter represents hardware revision of the hardware that has the resource block
in it.
LICENSE_STRING 42 LICENSE_STRING will determine which of the downloaded function blocks are active.
LIM_NOTIFY 32 This parameter represents the maximum number of unconfirmed alert notify messages
MANUFAC_ID 10 MANUFAC_ID is the manufacturer identification number used by an interface device to
locate the DD file for the resource (001151 for Rosemount).
MAX_NOTIFY 31 MAX_NOTIFY is the maximum number of unconfirmed alert notify messages possible.
MEMORY_SIZE 22 This parameter represents the available configuration memory in the empty resource.
Check MEMORY_SIZE before attempting a download.
MESSAGE_TEXT 53 MESSAGE_TEXT is used to indicate changes made by the user to the device's
installation, configuration, or calibration.
MIN_CYCLE_T 21 MIN_CYCLE_T represents the time duration of the shortest cycle interval of which the
resource is capable.
MODE_BLK 05 The actual, target, permitted, and normal modes of the block:
Target: The mode to “go to”
Actual: The mode the “block is currently in”
Permitted: Allowed modes that the target mode may take on
Normal: Most common mode for the actual model
NV_CYCLE_T 23 NV_CYCLE_T represents the interval between writing copies of NV parameters to
nonvolatile memory (zero means never).
OUTPUT_BOARD_SN 48 OUTPUT_BOARD_SN is the output board serial number.
SELF_TEST 54 SELF_TEST instructs the resource block to perform a self-test.
PRIVATE_LABEL_DISTRIBUTOR 41 PRIVATE_LABEL_DISTRIBUTOR references the company that is responsible for the
distribution of this field device to customers.
RESTART 16 RESTART allows a manual restart to be initiated. Several degrees of restart are possible:
1 Run: Nominal state when not restarting
2 Restart resource: Not used
3 Restart with defaults: Set parameters to default values (see START_WITH_DEFAULTS
below for which parameters are set).
4 Restart processor: Does a warm start of CPU
RS_STATE 07 RS_STATE represents the state of the function block application state machine.