Analog Input (AI) Function Block
Simulation To support testing, you can either change the mode of the block to
manual and adjust the output value, or you can enable simulation
through the configuration tool and manually enter a value for the
measurement value and its status. In both cases, you must first set the
ENABLE jumper on the field device.
All fieldbus instruments have a simulation jumper. As a safety
measure, the jumper has to be reset every time there is a power
interruption. This measure is to prevent devices that went through
simulation in the staging process from being installed with simulation
With simulation enabled, the actual measurement value has no impact
on the OUT value or the status.
ST_REV 01 None The revision level of the static data associated with the function block. The revision
value will be incremented each time a static parameter value in the block is
TAG_DESC 02 None The user description of the intended application of the block.
UPDATE_EVT 20 None This alert is generated by any change to the static data.
VAR_INDEX 39 % of OUT Range The average absolute error between the PV and its previous mean value over that
evaluation time defined by VAR_SCAN.
VAR_SCAN 40 Seconds The time over which the VAR_INDEX is evaluated.
XD_SCALE 10 None The high and low scale values, engineering units code, and number of digits to the
right of the decimal point associated with the channel input value.
The XD_SCALE units code must match the units code of the measurement channel
in the transducer block. If the units do not match, the block will not transition to MAN
TABLE B-1. Definitions of Analog Input Function Block System Parameters.
Units Description