Rosemount Model 8800C Vortex Flowmeter with FOUNDATION
Configuration Order The Model 8800C Transducer Block parameters can be configured in
any order, but the following is offered as a recommended procedure and
can be used as a checklist for configuration items.
1. K Factor
2. Service Type
3. Pipe Inside Diameter
4. Pipe Inside Diameter Units
5. Damping
6. Flange Type
7. Wetted Material
8. Meter Body Number
9. Process Temperature
10. Process Temperature Units
11. Filter Auto Adjust (to approximate process fluid density)
12. Meter Display. (If optional local display is installed.)
13. AI Block - Channel. Set to Flow.
14. AI Block - XD_SCALE.UNITS_INDEX. Select engineering units
for flow.
15. AI Block - L_TYPE. Usually set to Direct.
If mass flow engineering units are selected (lb/sec, kg/sec, etc.) then you
must configure:
1. Process Density
2. Process Density Units
If Standard/Normal engineering units are selected (Normal m
Standard ft
/sec, etc.) and you want the transmitter to calculate the
Density Ratio, then you must configure:
1. Base Temperature
2. Base Temperature Units
3. Base Pressure (Absolute)
4. Base Pressure Units
5. Base Compressibility
6. Process Pressure (Absolute)
7. Process Pressure Units
8. Process Compressibility