MpathCtxAddr 1101111140 : MpathCtxAddrlen 255 : AfEorSet
0x41a19f98 : NumDfrdPfx 0
AfActPeerHd 0x41a1a3a4 : AfExtDist 1101112312 : AfIntDist
200 : AfLocDist 200
AfNumRRc 0 : AfRR 0 : AfNetRttP 0x41a0d300 : AfNetCtxAddr
1101112392 :
AfNetCtxAddrlen 255
AfNwCtxAddr 1101112443 : AfNwCtxAddrlen 255 : AfNetBKDrRttP
0x41a0d500 :
AfNetBKDRCnt 0 : AfDampHLife 0
AfDampReuse 0 : AfDampSupp 0 : AfDampMaxHld 0 : AfDampCeiling
0 : AfDampRmapP
show ip bgp extcommunity-list
View information on all routes with Extended Community attributes.
show ip bgp [vrf vrf-name] [ipv4 {multicast | unicast} | ipv6
unicast] extcommunity-list [list name]
vrf vrf-name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords vrf and then the name of
the VRF to view information on all routes with extended
community attributes corresponding to that VRF.
ipv4 multicast (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword ipv4 followed by the
multicast to view information related only to ipv4
multicast routes.
ipv4 unicast (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords ipv4 unicast to view
information only related to ipv4 unicast routes.
ipv6 unicast (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword ipv6 followed by the
keyword unicast to view information related only to ipv6
unicast routes.
list name Enter the extended community list name you wish to view.
The range is 140 characters.
• EXEC Privilege
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.7(0.0) Added the ipv4 multicast and ipv6 unicast parameters.
9.4.(0.0) Added support for VRF.
Border Gateway Protocol