67NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Adding an appliance
You can have multiple appliances (with associated Rack Access Pods) listed in the All Available Doors
pane. A maximum of five appliances can be listed in the pane. When an appliance is added to the list, all
of the registered cards on that appliance are added to the Registered Cards list. Cards can be assigned to
doors across all appliances in the list.
Note: All listed appliances must use the same HID Card Format.
When OK or Apply is clicked on the Rack Access Settings dialog, each appliance is updated with the
complete list of registered cards, along with that appliance’s assigned doors for each user.
To add an appliance:
1. Click the “Add Rack Access appliance” icon in the upper right of the All Available Doors pane.
2. Enter the IP Address or hostname of the appliance. Enter the port number and whether the
connection should use SSL.
3. Enter the account details for an administrative user on the remote appliance.
4. Click OK to add the appliance. The new appliance appears in the list.
Removing an appliance
Note: If you remove an appliance without clicking Apply first, the appliance will not be
updated with any changes you have made during the current session.
To remove an appliance from the list:
1. Right-click the name of the appliance in the All Available Doors pane and select Remove
Appliance from the menu. Alternatively, you can click the “Remove Rack Access Appliance”
icon in the upper right of the pane to remove the appliance.
2. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog to remove the appliance.
Editing an appliance
To edit the connection settings on a remote appliance, right-click the name of the appliance in the All
Available Doors pane and select Edit Appliance from the menu. Enter the new values for the
connection and authentication fields and click OK to use the new values.