134NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
${ROOM} The room (specified in the Location settings) for
the appliance.
${ROOMROW} The row within the room (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${ROOMCOL} The column within the room (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${HEIGHT} The height above the floor (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${BLDG} The building (specified in the Location settings)
for the appliance.
${FLOOR} The floor number (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
${COMPANY} The company name (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
Schneider Electric
${ADDRESS1} The first address line (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
132 Fairgrounds Road
${ADDRESS2} The second address line (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
Engineering Department
${CITY} The city (specified in the Location settings) for
the appliance.
West Kingston
${STATE} The state/province/territory (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${COUNTRY} The country (specified in the Location settings)
for the appliance.
${CONTACT} The primary contact (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
${SITE} The Site Name (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
${NOTES} The Notes value (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
IT Closet, Server Room
${LATITUDE} The Latitude value (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
30° 18’ N
${LONGITUDE} The Longitude value (specified in the Location
settings) for the appliance.
97° 42’ W
${GPSLOC} Reports the current longitude and latitude data at
alert time (units to which a GPS pod is connected
30° 18’ N / 97° 42’ W
Macro Definition Example