133NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
BotzWare Macros
This appendix defines the macros supported by BotzWare.
Note: Macros are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.
Appliance Macros
The following macros are supported for attributes that support Appliance macros:
Location Macros
The following macros are supported for attributes that support Location macros:
Macro Definition Example
${SERIAL} The serial number of the appliance. 5A0806V0014
${IP} The dotted-decimal IP address of the appliance.
${HOSTNAME} The hostname of the appliance. testbot.netbotz.com
${MODEL} The model of the appliance. NetBotz 450
${TIMESTAMP} The current UTC time (seconds since 1/1/1970). 998885130
${DATE} The current date (year-month-day). 2013-08-27
${YEAR} The current year. 2013
${MONTH} The current month (2 digit number, January=01). 08
${DAY} The current day of the month (2 digit number). 27
${TIME} The current time (24-hour, hour-minute-second). 23-30-01
${HOUR} The current hour of the day (2 digit, 24 hour
${MIN} The current minute of the hour. 30
${SEC} The current second of the minute. 01
${VER} The current BotzWare version. 20090415_0923
Macro Definition Example
${LOCATION} The location attribute of the appliance. Test Lab
${ENCLOSURE} The current enclosure ID (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${SLOT} The slot in the enclosure (specified in the
Location settings) for the appliance.
${ENCRELLOC} The relative location within the enclosure
(specified in the Location settings) for the