98NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Use the Region icon to specify the region in which the appliance is used, configure the appliance clock to
report time using a 12- or 24-hour clock, and control which languages are available for viewing in the
Web Client.
Note: Region settings affect only the date and time stamp displayed in image captures and
the format of sensor readings and dates or times specified in alert notifications. The regional
format of dates, times, and sensor readings displayed in Advanced View are determined by
the region settings reported by the operating system on which Advanced View is running.
Double-click the Region icon to open the Region Configuration window.
1. To change the Region settings, type the new values in the appropriate fields.
2. Click OK. A prompt to reboot the appliance appears.
3. Click Reboot. This may take a few minutes during which time Advanced View will be
Note: Changing the region of the appliance will not change the locale of created e-mail
notifications. To change the locale of an e-mail notification, you must delete the recipient and
add a new e-mail address with the proper locale.
Configuring the available language files
Each appliance can have up to four language files installed (including the default, English, which cannot
be removed). Installed language files allow web browsers to access the Web Client in the language
associated with the web browser’s locale preference. Localized alert notifications are limited to the
languages installed on the appliance.
To install or update a language file:
1. In the Region Configuration window, click Update Language. The Language File Update
window opens.
2. Select Check APC Website and click Next
Note: If your appliance is behind a firewall or otherwise unable to access the Web,
you must download the language file to an accessible location. You can then use the
Local file option to browse to the location of the language file and select it for
3. Choose the language file from the list and click Ok. The language file is downloaded and
installed onto the appliance. Click Finish to exit the window.
Note: If you already have three additional languages installed on your appliance,
when you access the APC website only the installed language files will be displayed.
Selecting one of the languages will update the language file with the version from the
To remove a language file:
1. In the Region Configuration window, select the language from the drop-down list and click
Remove Language. A confirmation window appears.
2. Click Ok to remove the language file.