99NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Use the Restore icon to restore your appliance configuration using a configuration file created using the
Backup icon.
For more information, see “Backup” on page 74.
To restore your appliance configuration:
1. Double-click the Restore icon.
2. In the Backup file field, enter the name and fully qualified path to the backup file or click
Browse to navigate to the drive and directory in which the backup file is stored. Select the file
then click OK.
3. In the Password field, enter the password used to protect the backup file.
4. Click OK. You will be prompted to reboot the appliance.
5. Click Reboot. The appliance automatically reboots. This may take a few minutes during which
time Advanced View will be unavailable.
Serial Devices
Note: The Serial Devices icon appears only when you have connected a USB modem,
Sealevel I/O device, Modbus USB-to-RS485 adapter, or APC Switched Rack PDU to the
For more information about supported USB modems, Sealevel I/O devices, and APC
Switched Rack PDUs, and how they connect to the appliance, see the installation and quick
configuration manual included with your appliance.
USB modems, Sealevel I/O devices, and APC Switched Rack PDUs all provide for serial
RS-232 communication with the appliance. When these devices are connected to the appliance, the
appliance detects the device and entries for serial ports automatically appear in the Serial Devices
window. Through the Serial Devices window, you specify what kind of device is connected to each serial
port. You can also label the port to which each device is connected.
If a previously detected serial port is no longer detected by the appliance (for example, if an APC
Switched Rack PDU has been disconnected from the appliance), a Remove button appears beside the
port. Click Remove to remove the port configuration.