110NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
f. Unscheduled Remote Access Threshold - This is only available for Lock sensors and is
not enabled by default. If a lock is opened with a remote command issued from Advanced
View or the Web Client, an alert is generated. In order to allow remote access without
generating an alert, you will need to modify the threshold schedule, disable the threshold
for the desired timeframe, and disable the default “Unscheduled Access Threshold”. An
unlock event will still be generated in the event log.
9. Check Enabled to enable the threshold. If this checkbox is not checked, the alert threshold is
saved but is not active.
10.In Threshold-Specific Addresses, click Add... to enter the e-mail addresses of personnel to
whom e-mail alert notifications should be sent if this threshold generates an alert condition. Click
If you installed an SMS-capable modem you can deliver alert notification to SMS-enabled
devices by entering threshold-specific addresses for them in the following format:
where sms_device_address is the telephone number or e-mail address associated with the SMS-
enabled device (for example, “sms:5123334444” or “sms:user@mycorp.com”).
Threshold-specific notifications are sent only if your appliance has one or more Alert
Actions defined that use the Send E-Mail Message alert notification method and
Include Addresses from Thresholds is checked. For more information, see “Alert
Action” on page 30 and “Advanced View: Creating Alert Actions” on page 112.