119NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
– Type the Base Filename for storing the data on the FTP server. The alert data is stored in a file
with this name, followed by the
.nbalert.xml file extension. Pictures from alerts are stored
in files with this name, followed by the
.n.jpg file extension, where n is the picture number
(for example: 1, 2, 3).
The Target Directory and Base Filename fields accept BotzWare macros. For
more information on macros supported by BotzWare see “BotzWare Macros” on
page 133.
13.Use the Advanced tab to provide information for delivering the data to a backup FTP server. This
backup server is used only if attempts to deliver the alert data to the primary FTP server fail.
14.To specify the format in which captured images are sent, select the Advanced tab and select the
format from Picture Export Format. Send images captured by the appliance cameras as JPEGs,
M-JPEG AVI Files, or Signed M-JPEG AVI files. M-JPEG AVI files are motion picture files
played using standard media player software such as Windows Media Player. Signed files
provide proof that the generated images have not been altered in any way, and are more likely to
be admissible as evidence in legal proceedings.
15.Click OK to save this Alert Action.
For information on how to verify that signed AVI files have not been tampered with,
see “Verifying Signed M-JPEG AVI Files” on page 140.