104NetBotz Appliance User’s Guide
Note: The Application, Application (with Alert Update), and Sensor (No Camera) privilege
sets are only available with the purchase of the Advanced Software Pack. They are standard
on the NetBotz Rack Appliance 570 and 550.
By default, your appliance comes pre-configured with two User accounts:
• Guest: Available to users that do not provide a User name and Password at login. By default, a
Guest has an access Privilege Set of None.
• Administrator: Accessed by providing the default User name and Password at login. This user
account has an unchangeable Privilege Set of Administrator.
For more information about your appliance default User ID and Password, refer to the
installation and quick configuration manual that came with your appliance.
Note: To ensure security, change the default Administrator account User name and
Note: The Guest and Administrator Accounts are permanent and cannot be removed.
Their settings can be modified.
Note: If you give the Guest account any set of privileges other than "None", you are
effectively giving unauthenticated users access to the features of the device. The
security of the appliance’s network should be considered before taking this step.
To create a new User name or to modify a User Account:
1. Click Add to create a new user account entry. If editing a user account, select the account from
the Users pane and click Edit.
2. Enter a name for this account in the Name field.
3. From the Privilege Set drop-down list, select the Privilege Set assigned to this account.
4. Enter the user name for this account in the User name field.
5. Enter the password for this account in the Password field.
6. Re-type the Password in the Confirm password field.
7. Select a Login failure alert severity.
8. Select a Login failure alert profile.
9. Click OK.
Sensor Gives user access to only the Navigation, Sensor Data and selected
portions of the Information/Action panes. User accounts configured
with the Sensor Privilege Set can view the Cameras, Graphs, and About
panes. This Privilege Set does not permit access to the Alerts pane,
Configuration pane, or to the Appliance Log, Change Root Password,
and Reboot Appliance Tool menu selections.
Sensor (No Camera) Gives user access to only the Navigation, Sensor Data and selected
portions of the Information/Action panes. User accounts configured
with the Sensor (No Camera) Privilege Set can view Graphs and About
panes. This Privilege Set does not permit access to the Cameras pane,
Alerts pane, Configuration pane, or to the Appliance Log, Change
Root Password, and Reboot Appliance Tool menu selections.
None Does not permit access to any appliance features.
Privilege Set Description