Type PRINT SQR (9). (press ENTER)
The answer is 3.
Y=9 : X=SQR(Y) : PRINT X press ENTER
The answer is 3.
In these two examples, 9 is the argument, SQR is the function and 3 is the result.
Function What it does
ABS (X) Returns the absolute (positive) Value of X
SGN (X) Returns the sign of the argument
X negative returns - 1
X positive returns + 1
X zero returns 0
SQR (X) Returns the square root of X. X cannot be negative.
LOG (X) Gives the natural logarithm of X, i.e.,
the logarithm to the base e (=2.71828).
The value of the argument must be greater than zero.
EXP (X) Gives you the value e
, i.e., the natural antilogarithm
of X.
INT (X) Gives the greatest integer which is less than or
equal to X.
RND (X) Gives a random whole number between 1 and X.
If X equals zero, RND (X) returns a random number
between 0 and 1. X cannot be negative.
SIN (X) The argument of the trigonometrical functions
is taken to be in radians (1 radian=360/2π = 57.296 degrees).
TAN (X) The range of X is -999 < (X) < 999.
ATN (X) This gives the result of ARC TANGENT in radians.