
The REFERENCE SECTION contains a brief explanation of all the commands and
statements you will use in this chapter. Refer to this when you need help.
The CLEAR statement is used to assign more memory space for the string variables.
10 Clear 100
This command will assign 100 bytes of memory for strings. If the CLEAR command is
not used, the computer will assume the number of bytes of memory for strings to be 50.
The use of the CLEAR command only will reserve the same number of bytes as the default
value. However, if a value follows the CLEAR command, the computer will assign the
number of bytes of that value. If you want to use more strings in your program, set this
number to a larger one but, at the same time, you will have less space for your program.
Also see STOP
This command causes the program to resume executing after encountering the BASIC
command called STOP. The program will carry on with the next statement after STOP.
You can type CONT to resume the program after you hit the SHIFT and BREAK keys.
Line # DIM array-name (array-size).
The DIM command reserves space for one dimensional numeric or string arrays. The array-
name may be up to 6 characters long but only the first 2 characters are valid. For a
string array the last character must be a $. The array can contain up to 100 elements
10 DIM FRIEND$(50)
10 DIM PRICE(19)