
The unit will display a prefix or a suffix of a word at the bottom of the screen. Several
suffixes/prefixes scroll across the screen above the word. When the correct suffix/prefix
is above the word, press the Enter key to input your answer.
A group of words will appear on the screen. You must rearrange the words to form a
correct sentence. Select the word you think is the first word of the sentence with the
arrow keys or the mouse cursor, and then press the Enter key or the left mouse button.
The word will move to the answer line. Repeat the same process for the second word,
the third word and so on until the entire sentence is constructed. If you make a mistake,
you can select the word from the answer line with your mouse and the word will move
to the top of the screen. When you select the last word of the sentence, the unit will
check whether your selections are correct or incorrect.
A sentence will appear on the screen with one grammatical error. Choose the grammatically
incorrect word with your arrow keys or the mouse cursor. Then press the Enter key or
left mouse button. If you pick out the grammatical error, 3 multiple choice options will
appear on the screen. Select the option that makes the sentence grammatically correct
by pressing its corresponding number, or moving the mouse cursor or pressing the Up/
Down arrow keys to highlight your choice then press the Enter key to input your answer.
An addition problem will appear on the screen. Type in your answer, from right to left,
using the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter key to confirm your answer.
A subtraction problem will appear on the screen. Type in your answer, from right to left,
using the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter key to confirm your answer.
A multiplication problem will appear on the screen. Type in your answer, according to the
position of the blinking cursor, using the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter
key to confirm your answer.
A division problem will appear on the screen. Type in your answer, from left to right, using
the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter key to confirm your answer.