Polar CS300 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Resetting Season Values
1. In the File menu, select TOTALS -> SEASON -> Reset Total Counters?
2. Choose the value you wish to reset from the menu and confirm with OK.
•EXE.TIME (Exercise time)
•RIDETIME (Riding time)
•EXE.COUNT (Exercise count)
•RIDE.COUNT (Riding count)
•MAX.SPEED (Maximum speed)
•MAX.CAD (Maximum cadence)
•HR ZONES (Heart rate zones)
To reset all values, select ALL in the menu.
3. ARE YOU SURE? is displayed. To reset, select YES. Deleted information cannot be retrieved.
Select NO to return to the Reset menu.
• TheodometercanonlyberesetusingthePolarUpLinkToolsoftware.Forfurtherinformation,seechapter4.2DataTransfer.
• WeeklytotalsareresetautomaticallyeverySundayatmidnight.