OwnZone is your individual aerobic (cardiovascular) training zone that is determined automatically. OwnZone ensures that you exercise within
safe limits, and makes exercising easier and more enjoyable.
OwnZone is based on measuring changes in heart rate variability. OwnZone may vary daily, depending on your physical and mental condition.
For most adults, OwnZone corresponds to 65-85% of maximum heart rate.
It is advisable to use OwnZone every time you exercise. Otherwise, define your OwnZone,
• Whenchangingexerciseenvironmentorexercisemode.
• Whentakingupexerciseaftermorethanaweek’sbreak.
• Ifyouarenot100percentsureofyourphysicalormentalstate.Forexample,ifyouarenotrecoveredfromprevioustraining,notfeeling
well or are stressed.
• Afterchangingyourusersettings.
OwnZone has been developed for healthy persons. Some health conditions may cause heart rate variability-based OwnZone determination to
fail, e.g. high blood pressure, certain cardiac arrhythmias, and some medication. In such cases, your age-based limits are used in OwnZone