• EstimatedTimeofArrival(ETA)basedoncyclingspeed.
• Time
• Heartrate
Zone Pointer helps you stay inside the target zone. Current heart rate / cadence appears as a heart / cadence
symbol between upper and lower limits.
• InZonesymbolandtimespentinzone
• Lower/upperlimitvaluesandZonePointer
• Heartrate
Energy Output / Calorie Consumption view can only be displayed in CYCLING mode.
Energy Output tracks the cycling workload in Cal/h and Cal/km or Cal/mi. By predicting calorie consumption, you
can make sure you have a sufficient supply of snacks on a long ride. This feature is also useful for comparing and
analyzing the workloads of various training types. It can also measure training economy.
• Averageheartrate(AvgHR)
• EnergyOutput(Cal/kmorCal/mi)andCalorieconsumptionrate(Cal/h)alternating
• Heartrate