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Letsyou createandreusea perfect workoutforyou with specific speed,incline and time combination.
Theultimate in personalprogramming.Time-basedgoal.
I. Oncethe CUSTOMprogramhas beenchosen,pressENTER
2. Choosethe desiredTiMEusing theSPEEOARROWKEYSand pressENTER.
3. Choosethe desiredSPEEOfor eachsegment, using the SPEEOARROWKEYS
and pressENTER.Note: Youwill needto pressENTERafter eachsegment.
4. Choosethe desiredINCLINEfor eachsegment,using theINCLINEARROWKEYS
and pressENTER.Note: Youwill needto pressENTERafter eachsegment.
5. Press STARTto begin your program. At this time, your program has been
successfullysavedinto memory,and can be usedfor future workouts.
• PressingSTOPcan returnyou toyour last customsetting.
• ToRESETyourprograminformation and deleteit from memory,pressand hold
theENTERkeyfor 5 seconds.
• Whileusingyour savedprogram,you are able toadjust the speedorincline, but
any changeswill not be saved.