COPY TRACK - Pressing [F4] ( CpyT ) accesses Copy
Track, which lets you copy all data from one or more
tracks in one song to the corresponding tracks of
another song.
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks that you wish to copy.
SOURCE SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the song
whose tracks you want to copy.
DESTINATION SONG (01 ~ 16) - Specify the
song you want the source song tracks to be copied
to. All data in the selected tracks will be copied from
the source to the destination. If the tracks copied are
longer than the destination song, the destination
song will become longer as a result of the copy
operation. However, the measure table of the
destination song will not be changed as a result of
the operation. If the selected track of the destination
song is already occupied by song data, this data will
be erased by the copy operation. Before executing
the copy track operation, always check to make sure
the selected tracks of the destination song does not
contain data that you don t want to lose.
COPY WITH TEMPO TRACK (yes, no) - When
set to yes , the tempo of the source song will
replace the tempo of the destination song. When set
to no , the tempo of the destination song will
remain as is.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press ENTER.
CLEAR TRACK - Pressing [F5] ( ClrT ) accesses Clear
Track, which lets you erase all sequence data in the
specified tracks of the selected song.
SELECT TRACKS (1 ~ 16) - Press the TRACK
buttons of the tracks that you wish to clear.
When set to yes , the tempo of the source song will
be reset to the basic default value. When set to no ,
the tempo will remain as is.
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press
NOTE: Even if all tracks are selected and cleared by the
Clear Track function, song multi data, setup parameters
and the name of the song will remain. To clear all data,
use the Clear Song function.
MIX TRACK - Pressing [F6] ( Mix ) accesses Mix
Track, which lets you combine the data in one track of
the currently selected song with the data of another
track in the same song.
SOURCE TRACK (01 ~ 16) - Specify the track
whose data you want to combine with the destina-
tion track. The data in the source track will remain
as is after the operation is executed.
DESTINATION TRACK (01 ~ 16) - Specify the
track you want the source track to be combined
EXECUTE - To execute the operation press